Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pet Pup: The Idea of Child owning a Pet

Owning a pet is considered a status symbol by some and if that is the case that animal will not get the kind of love and attention it requires. Unless and until there is enough indication that a pet can be taken care of either by the child for whom the pet is meant or by those around the house it would be cruelty to own a pet .Normally a child will show interest to cuddle a pet and once it grows it will neglect it. In such circumstances unless the adults around the house have time to care for the pet, no pet should be brought to the house. The child should show an inclination to put up with the obvious hassles that a pet entails. A child normally expresses a desire for the kind of pet that it would like to own and it is for the adults to know if the child is capable of taking care of that pet. Parents need to explain the various problems one would have to face to ensure a pet is properly cared for. Invariably however the load falls on the parents and so it needs to be reiterated that unless and until parents too have the inclination to feel and care for animals no animal should be brought to the house.

The child should be atleast 10 years or older to own a pet and has to be taught how to handle a pet. If the child shows signs of aggression the pet too would retaliate and this is extremely important. If a child has this tendency then owing a pet would be harmful for both the child and the pet. While training the pet the child should also be present which will get an idea about how to handle a pet.

Whichever pet one chooses it needs an environment that is conducive to its own need and if this environment is lacking no pet should be brought home .A dog for example needs its own sleeping area a comfortable bed, place to run around, good food, regular visits to the vet, bathing, brushing, and healthy walks. It needs human company and this is most important. A dog leashed and left alone is the most pathetic sight and this should be avoided at all costs. There are several pets one can choose from dogs, cats, birds, squirrels, white mice, fish, frogs and even tortoises each with their own needs.

A certain amount of time is required to be with the pet and this point needs to be taken into consideration as well. A child needs to be told of the needs of the pet - cleaning, feeding, playing and health care and most important of all house breaking if it is a dog or a cat. Parents should always be there to take over if the child neglects the pet and if it is found that not sufficient time is available even for parents then it should be sent to some foster home.

Fish in an aquarium need special care. They need to be fed, and the tank cleaned at regular intervals. A constant vigil needs to be kept to see if the fish is in no way requiring urgent attention.
Small pets are not ideal for children as a child has no expertise on how to handle a small pet. There are some pets who do not like handling, rabbits being one of them.

Although keeping birds in cages is discouraged but if that decision is taken here again the birds need to be fed, and their cage cleaned on a daily basis. They also needs human company and some time should be spent by the child to be with the birds. A child will have boundless joy when a parrot starts talking in that one will see a child spending more time there than with its own human friends.

The benefits of rearing a pet are several. The child learns to love and to care. The child learns to take on responsibilities which will hold it in good stead in its life. Being with a pet is like being with nature which is the need of the hour. A pet becomes a child’s companion and the child is seen talking to it and thus they establish a loving bond and sometimes a secret one! The experience of sticking to schedules will enrich a child’s learning experience. Death of a pet is yet another experience a child will benefit from as it will learn to handle emotions at an early age.

Once a pet is brought home that would be the worst day for the pet. A constant vigil on the pet and a feed given immediately it arrives - the kind of food that it is used to could make it feel at home.

Finally it is the responsibility of the parents to monitor a child's handling of the pet. It should be taught how to play with its pets. Games such as tug or war are dangerous and so are using ones fingers or limbs to play around. A child should be warned about a dog growling and at that time the child should stay from the dog.
The need for parents or adults to constantly monitor a child handling pets is the most important aspect of a child owning a pet.

Image Credit: pinta.prints' photostream

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