Friday, May 7, 2010

Parenting Guidelines for a Sick or ill Child

When a child falls sick the whole household is in disarray. Depending on the age of the child different approaches are called for.

Causes of Child Fever
There could be several reasons why a child falls ill and for this climatic changes come on top of the list, apart from genetic causes where a child's immunity is at stake. Prophylactic measures can save an older child from falling ill such as checking whether the child (specially a school going child) is in the habit of eating junk food, whether it is found playing in dirty water, whether the child bathes regularly, keeps to normal sleeping hours, keeps to limited time in front the of pc or TV. If one can follow the norm “Prevention is better than cure” a child can remain healthy but it is easier said than done!! It is not possible to keep a constant vigil on a child specially when both the parents work and what happens in that time is difficult to control. Peer pressure is one area where a child engages in activities that are not in the best interest of good health and there is nothing much one can do to detract the child
from such activities. There is yet another danger in that the child hides the symptoms for the fear that it may not be allowed to play or do its enjoyable routines and this leads to complications. A family therefore needs a family doctor because the truth is a child cannot stay healthy at all times.

How to Take Temperature of a Child at Home
Normally a child’s temperature is taken keeping the thermometer under the arm as keeping it in the mouth one risks the child biting it. It will be kept there for a minute and the temperature checked. The frequency of checking the temperature is as per instructions given by the doctor but a record needs to be kept.

When to call the Doctor
There are simple ailments where a doctor need not be called such as a running cold, but one cannot play with fever as there could be several reasons why a child gets fever and it is only the doctor who could diagnose the cause and treat the fever accordingly. Mild injuries could also be treated at home for which it is necessary that a first aid kit is at hand. For major injuries such as fractures a child in fact should be admitted where there are facilities for x-rays and other diagnostic tools. Major injuries call for complete bed rest which a child may not quite like and here a strict vigil is called for and the child’s needs taken care of. When there is high fever ice packs could bring down the fever. Some advocate sponging the child with cold water but this could only be done after consultation with the doctor, specially if the child has congestion in the lungs this may have an adverse effect.

Medical Instructions by Doctor
If it is a newborn child or just a few months old child that falls sick a doctor’s help needs to be summoned as those at home cannot take any risks to handle the sickness independently of a tiny tot.. One should strictly follow the instructions given by the doctor and a day and night vigil cannot be ruled out. Hygiene is the most important element that can help cure a child and this needs to be kept in mind at all times. Regular changing of the pampers can contribute to this.

Basic Problems with Childrens
Older children could pose problems in that they will refuse to take medicines, refuse the doctor to check them up and really get into tantrums. There is no other alternative but to impose whatever needs to be done if cajoling does not work as giving in to the child can have dire consequences. The type of food a child is given while it is sick is yet another area where a child could refuse to eat it. Here again a child should not be given in but cajoled into it. It is always advised that the child drinks plenty of liquids as any drugs prescribed could play havoc as there could be side effects and intake of water particularly can to some extent take care of this.

Precautions on part of Children
A sick child in the house calls for certain changes in the environment of the house. A sick child needs a quiet place which in other words would mean lowering the volume of the tv, music or whatever. Hygiene is yet another area where the members in the household should strictly follow specially while entering the room where the child is resting.
Eating in front of the child who is on a diet can be and should be avoided. Any celebrations or get together could be put off till after the child is up and about. There should be restricted visitors as that could strain the child and this the family can take care of.

Image Credit: CappiT's photostream

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