Monday, May 3, 2010

Teaching a Child Newspapers Reading Habits

The modern world is full of competition where the best and the fittest survive above the good, while the weak, lazy and unfit are abandoned and left to starve. Yet, it is so fortunate that all are born equally built with equal capability of working and learning. However the difference comes as time passes and as one grows up. Mental power and knowledge is the greatest power of man to rise above others. A person with better and new ideas will always be above others. If a children becomes continuous in reading newspapers daily then he will definitely be benefited from that in the long run. Daily Newspapers are one of the most effective ways to get the new ideas. There are different types of news paper that are important for different kinds of people. Choosing the right newspaper for the right person is very important.

Importance of Reading Newspapers
Seeing a bunch of news paper every morning may bore the children and ever spoil their morning bliss if you are forced to do. But the secret lies in reading only the interesting and important topics of the paper. A little time given to the Newspapers everyday will boost up your child intelligence as well your ideas. So it is wise to teach the children to look for the bold and big lines because the important topics are usually highlighted in bold. If they find the bold lines or heading interesting, they may further get into the central idea of what the topic convey. Further, children can read in details if the topic is interesting as well as important. Quantity is not
the main thing that matters when reading the newspaper; it is the quality that you read. A person may read a lot of stuffs that are unimportant. This is because the news editors are also forced to fill all the empty spaces whether it is important information or not.

Knowledge is the Key to Success
Education is all about knowledge and ideas rather than the grades that can be lost and gone, but no one can take the knowledge away from you. For students and children, knowledge in the books is not enough to cope up with the fast growing world. Those things written in the book are all applied in our daily happenings. These applications are interesting and are easily available from the news paper. Newspapers can make your child subjects in school more interesting by knowing the things that truly happen rather than just the things written in the books. It can always show you all kinds of topics related to the books in our day to day life.

Pros and Cons of Reading Newspaper
However, as dark clouds also have white linings, a bunch of white cloud also has black shadows. There are many good sides of news paper that motivate and update the knowledge of a person. Yet there are also fake news or false news that can lead your mind away from truth. It may sometimes write false stories about a certain happening. So it is wise as a student and brilliant persons to think and study about it before believing in everything. This can be done by reading different news items. There are times newspapers are use for political conflicts which may contain a lot of lies mixed with truth. These should be properly judge as political conflicts give us ideas in two different viewpoints. Looking things from different angles is much clear than from a single angle.

Go Through the Kid’s Column
The pages in the news paper are all categorized according to their content. Kid’s column is one of the best columns where a child can find good information through cartoons, drawings, picture reference and some interesting games for kids to play. It is good to start the habit of reading from the kid’s pages as it is the most interesting page for kids as well as brilliant grownups. So, never leave this page and read it first. The most brilliant grownups designed these pages for kids. Kids are the future of the nation, so importance is given to all the kids of the nation. A nation without kids will perish in a generation. The strength of the nation lies on the students, so this column is made to produce the best students for the nation.

As a human, our happiness lies in our ability above others. Being smarter, quicker, faster, stronger is what we long for. Newspapers can make us know what others never knew about. We can amaze people by knowing what recently happened all around the world. It also gives us courage to fight the true world because we are in reality. It doesn't bother whether we are young or old. All of us have the right to read the newspaper and get the knowledge to be above others. So just read yourself and encourage your children to do so and become smarter each day. You can use your right without affecting others. There is no limit from the knowledge that we can get from reading newspapers. But always remember to select the best, important and interesting topics in the newspaper.

Image Credit: LittleImage's photostream

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